西班牙海鮮飯 Seafood Paella 西式食譜 海鮮食譜 西班牙食譜

趁weekend post paella 食譜❤️‍🔥這個食譜我好喜歡,這幾年煮過好多次改良,最後得出這個步驟簡化,味道口感比餐廳更好吃的version😎


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🔸材料🔸 (2-3人份)
西班牙米 200g (不要洗米)
自製鮮魚高湯 700-800ml
洋蔥 半個切粒
乾蔥 1個切粒
蒜頭 3瓣切粒
檸檬 半個切件

蕃紅花 1小撮
白酒 70ml (浸蕃紅花)
茄膏 1茶匙
煙燻紅椒粉 半茶匙

蟹 1隻/ 紐西蘭青口 10隻 /蜆 1斤 /魷魚 1條

紅衫魚/ 原條白身魚 1-2條
西芹 200g
蕃茄 2個切件
原粒黑胡椒 20粒
月桂葉 3片
水 1000ml
蕃茜 3棵 (分開莖+葉)


  1. ▪️處理海鮮▪️蜆和青口放入40度溫水,下半茶匙鹽、1/4條指天椒和半茶匙麻油,放陰暗處吐沙1小時
  2. 反轉花蟹,用刀刺入蟹心,剪走蟹奄;揭開蟹蓋,清除蟹鰓蟹心蟹胃,將蟹身一分為二;用牙刷清潔蟹殻,蟹鉗用刀背拍裂
  3. ▪️製作鮮魚高湯▪️除蕃茜葉外,所有材料放入大鍋煮沸,合蓋小火煮1小時(中途可搗爛魚肉)熄火,放入蕃茜葉合蓋焗5分鐘後取出,過篩;自選海鮮放入鮮魚高湯,煮熟後盛起
  4. 花蟹拆肉取出蟹膏,預留部份帶殼貝類、魷魚圈和蟹鉗蟹蓋,用作鋪面擺盤;其餘海鮮去殻取肉切粒
  5. ▪️烹煮▪️下油開鍋,放入洋蔥粒、乾蔥粒和蒜片炒勻;加入茄膏和蟹膏炒香
  6. 下西班牙米炒勻,倒入蕃紅花白酒,大火令酒精揮發;加入煙燻紅椒粉,放入步驟4的海鮮粒
  7. 先倒入100ml高湯,小火拌炒煮至湯汁吸收,攤平
  8. 以畫圓圈分式倒入600ml 高湯,大火煮3分鐘,拌炒攤平;中火煮13分鐘至湯汁吸收,中途移動平底鍋位置令熱力均勻(地道西班牙海鮮飯粒粒分明有口感,不會加蓋燉煮,鍋底黏上一層飯焦;加蓋燉煮會令米飯濕潤過軟)如飯太乾可加額外高湯
  9. 鋪上海鮮擺盤,合蓋中火煮2分鐘;開蓋中火煮至飯焦形成;灑上蕃茜和黑胡椒碎,擠上檸檬汁即成


▪️不同米飯吸水程度/爐頭溫度不一樣,建議多煮幾次掌握高湯份量!第一次煮可以先下500ml 高湯,觀察鍋邊米飯,如湯汁收乾米飯仍未熟,就再多下高湯,記錄所需份量,之後再煮就更得心應手啦!
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  • 200g Spanish rice (do not wash)
  • 700-800ml fish stock
  • Half onion, diced
  • 1 shallot, diced
  • 3 cloves of garlic, diced
  • Half l lemon, sliced


  • A pinch of saffron
  • 70ml white wine (soak saffron in wine)
  • 1 teaspoon tomato paste
  • 1/2 teaspoon smoked paprika


  • 1 crab/ 10 New Zealand mussels/ 1 pound clams/ 1 squid

𝙁𝙞𝙨𝙝 𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙘𝙠 𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙧𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙨

  • 1-2 red snapper or white fish
  • 200g celery
  • 2 tomatoes, sliced
  • 20 whole black peppercorns
  • 3 bay leaves
  • 1000ml water
  • 3 px parsley (stem and leaves separated)


  1. Soak clams in 40°C water with salt, chili, and sesame oil for an hour.
  2. Flip over the crab, pierce the heart with a knife, remove the gills, heart, and stomach, and divide the body in half. Clean the shell with toothbrush.
  3. Make fish stock by boiling ingredients (except parsley leaves) for one hour on low heat. Add parsley leaves, cover for 5 mins. Strain and add seafood. Cook until done.
  4. Separate the crab meat and reserve some seafood for plating. Cut the remaining seafood into small pieces.
  5. Stir-fry diced onions, dried onions, and garlic. Add tomato paste and crab roe.
  6. Add Spanish rice and stir-fry. Add saffron and white wine and stir-fry. Add smoked paprika and seafood.
  7. Pour 100ml of fish stock into the pan. Stir-fry on low heat until the rice absorbs the liquid and spread it evenly.
  8. Pour 600ml of fish stock into the pan in a circular motion. Cook over high heat for 3 minutes, stirring occasionally. Reduce the heat to medium and cook for 13 minutes until the rice absorbs the liquid. Move the pan to distribute the heat evenly. If the rice is too dry, add more fish stock.
  9. Arrange the seafood on top of the rice. Cover and cook over medium heat for 2 mins. Remove the lid and cook until the rice forms a crispy layer. Sprinkle with chopped parsley and black pepper, squeeze lemon juice and done.

⁡IG👩🏻‍🍳 https://instagram.com/kiuu922

