譚仔土匪雞翼 中式食譜 雞翼食譜

昨晚post story分享一人小鍋米線餐,好多人問食譜,插隊快手寫先🫶🏻最近好忙,要自己做所有家務sosad🥲先post個易寫的雞翼食譜🤣


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雞翼 7隻

蒜粉 1茶匙(不是蒜鹽)

孜然粉 2湯匙

五香粉 1茶匙

生抽 1湯匙

麻油 1/2茶匙

花椒油 1茶匙

鹽 1/6 茶匙

砂糖 半茶匙

紹興花雕酒 1湯匙

油 1茶匙


黑芝麻 白鑊炒香


1. 雞翼解凍,用粗鹽沖洗去除雪味,抹乾水份

2. 除黑芝麻外,所有材料醃雞翼至少6小時

3. 雞翼不用抹走多餘的醃料,反面直接放上焗盤,180度8分鐘

4. 翻面雞皮向上,塗上盛餘的醃料,灑上黑芝麻和少量孜然粉;180度焗7分鐘即成,再用燒烤模式/230度焗約3分鐘至表面焦香即成

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Chicken wings 7 px

Garlic powder 1 tsp (not garlic salt!)

Cumin powder 2 sp

Five Spice Powder 1 tsp

Soy sauce 1 tsp

Sesame oil 1/2 tsp

Peppercorn oil 1 tsp

Salt 1/6 tsp

Sugar 1/2 tsp

Huadiao wine 1 tsp

Oil 1 tsp

White pepper

Fried black sesame


1. Thaw the chicken wings, rinse with salt and pat dry with kitchen paper

2. Marinate chicken wings with all ingredients (except black sesame) for at least 6 hrs

3. Don’t wipe off the excess marinade on the chicken wings, put them on the baking tray directly, skin side down, 180 degrees for 8 mins

4. Flip the chicken wings and skin side up, apply the remaining marinade, sprinkle with black sesame and small amount of cumin powder, bake at 180 degrees for 7 mins, then bake in grill mode/230 degrees for about 3 mins until the surface turns brown


