家庭版上海排骨麵 豬扒 中式食譜 粉麵食譜 上海菜食譜



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上海麵/ 任何麵 300g
小棠菜 300g
豬扒 2塊
雞蛋 1隻/ 生粉
大蔥/蔥 各1條切段
蒜頭 3粒
薑 1片
蔥 1棵切段
雞湯 400ml
水 500ml

生抽 1茶匙/ 紹興花雕酒 1茶匙/ 胡椒粉

生抽 2湯匙/ 老抽 1湯匙 /蠔油 1湯匙/ 砂糖 1茶匙/ 水 100ml


  1. 上海麵汆水備用;豬扒用刀背拍鬆,用醃料醃30分鐘
  2. 預備蛋液和生粉各一盤,生粉混入胡椒粉增加香味;豬扒沾上蛋液,然後拍上生粉壓實;再沾上蛋液,拍上生粉壓實至乾身
  3. 下油開鍋,放入豬扒中火煎約4分鐘至金黃,翻面再煎4分鐘;轉大火,每邊煎約1分鐘至焦香,盛起備用
  4. 中火炒香大蔥、蔥白、蒜頭和薑片,加入調味料煮沸,放入豬扒,合蓋小火煮10分鐘,中途翻面一次,取出豬扒
  5. 同一個鍋加入雞湯和清水煮沸,下上海麵和小棠菜煮熟,鋪上豬扒,灑上蔥花即成

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𝗜𝗻𝗴𝗿𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀 (serves 2)
Shanghai noodles/ any noodles 300g
Shanghai bok choy 300g
Pork chops 2 px
Egg 1 px/ Potato starch
Scallion, spring onion 1 px
Garlic 3 cloves
Ginger 1 slice
Chicken broth 400ml
Water 500ml

Soy sauce 1 tsp/ Shaoxing wine 1 tsp/ Pepper

Soy sauce 2 sp/ Dark soy sauce 1 sp/ Oyster sauce 1 sp/ Sugar 1 tsp/ Water 100ml


  1. Cook noodles and rinse with water. Tenderize pork chops and marinate for 30 mins.
  2. Prepare a bowl of beaten egg and a bowl of potato starch. Dip pork chops in egg, then press firmly into the potato starch. Dip in egg again and press firmly with potato starch until dry.
  3. Pan-fry pork chops until golden brown and crispy.
  4. Stir-fry scallion, spring onion, garlic and ginger, add seasonings, add pork chops and simmer for 5 mins each side, set aside.
  5. Cook noodles and vegetables in broth, place pork chops on top and serve.

⁡IG👩🏻‍🍳 https://instagram.com/kiuu922

